Home Insurance in Michigan

Most people's most significant investment is their home. It is smart for owners to protect this investment with insurance. Bachman Insurance Agency has agents that are experts in helping its customers determine the coverage they need at the best price. Located in Vernon, MI, our agency is quite familiar with all of the legal requirements for insurance in Michigan as well as the special needs of clients in the Michigan area.

We look forward to serving our customers, including our efficient claims service when it is needed to resolve a problem with your home.

Michigan is one of those areas that have four seasons during the year, with all the weather problems of ice, snow, rain, sleet, humidity, heat, and wind. Bachman Insurance Agency of Vernon, MI always makes sure to offer its customers in flood or earthquake areas the extra coverage they need to protect their homes from damage by these disasters. We will also insure the structures on your property, fencing, backyard structures, your possessions, including any special items you own and provide you coverage if you can't live in your home during repairs. Our agents will also protect you from lawsuits caused by anyone who is injured on your property. It only takes one fall by a deliveryman rushing to complete his assignment to cost you thousands of dollars. Don't be caught without full protection for your property.

Most home loans require insurance to protect the interest the bank or finance company has in your property. Similarly, you should use insurance to protect the interest you have in your property as well. So, if you are buying a new home or want to obtain a quote to compare to your current insurance, give us a call today at Bachman Insurance Agency in Vernon, MI. We offer free quotations without any obligation on your part.