When Does Auto Insurance Cover Repairs?

Some drivers in Flushing, MI assume that since they carry the minimum required auto insurance, they’re covered on any repairs they need. This is incorrect for a few reasons. For your insurance company to cover your repairs, a few criteria need to be met:

  • You need to have collision coverage (for accidents) and comprehensive coverage (for non-accident damage) in order for your damages to be covered.
  • The damages need to be the result of a covered hazard, not simple wear and tear or neglect.
  • You need to file your claim in a timely manner, which will be about a month in most cases.

The more evidence you can gather, the better the odds of your claim being accepted. If you can take photos at the accident scene or you can record your version of the event immediately following the incident, this will make it easier to file your claim.

The truth is that your insurance company probably has no issue with recognizing a valid claim. They just want to make sure that you’re forthright and that they can accurately estimate the damages, so the more accurate the details in your claim, the better.

If you’re driving a brand new car, you may want to look into replacement coverage and gap insurance, as well as comprehensive and collision, to make sure that you’re completely covered.

If you have any questions or you’re looking to get covered in Flushing, MI, get in touch with Bachmann Insurance Agency. You can call or check out the Bachmann Insurance Agency website to see about getting a policy that will buy you the peace of mind you need.

Auto Insurance: What to do Before Making a Claim

Following an accident in Flushing, MI, your auto insurer expects you to promptly get in touch with them if you want to make a claim. However, there are a few steps that you will want to take before picking up the phone and calling your auto insurance provider:

  1. Call the Police. Right after an accident, unless you and the other driver both agree to forget about it and cover your own damages out of pocket, you will want to call the police and file a report. When you call your insurer, they’ll want a police report number. If you didn’t file a report at the scene of the accident, you could stop by the police station at a later date to file it.
  2. Decide if it’s Worth Filing. If there was no other driver involved, then you’ll want to consider whether it’s worth filing a claim. If the deductible would be bigger than the claim, then, of course, it’s not really worth it. But if you have serious damages to cover, that’s what insurance is there for.
  3. Take notes. Our memories have a way of changing over time. So make sure you’re clear on what happened. Take photos, read your police report, and make sure you’re clear on the incident so that you don’t wind up giving your insurer any conflicting information.

With all that out of the way, it’s time to file your claim. Just call your insurer, and they’ll let you know what to do next.

If you’re still looking to get covered in Flushing, MI, or if you have any questions, get in touch with Bachmann Insurance Agency. Call us, or hop on the Bachmann Insurance Agency website and see what we can do for you.

How can having auto insurance protect me?

Those who live in the Flushing, MI area will find that it is a lot easier to get around town and complete their daily tasks if they can buy a car. When you purchase a car here, it is also vital that you get a proper insurance policy. There are several ways that a quality auto insurance policy can protect you and your vehicle at all times. 

Protects Your Asset

One of the most important ways an auto insurance policy can protect you is by providing you with coverage for your asset. If you have invested a lot in your car, you will want to ensure that investment is protected. When you can get an auto insurance policy with comprehensive and collision coverage, you will receive proper coverage to protect against the risks of theft or damage.

Gives Protection for Liability

Another advantage of an auto insurance policy is that it will protect you against liability risk. If you choose to drive a car on a public road, there is going to be a chance that you could make a mistake that leads to an accident. If you are deemed responsible, you will want to have an auto insurance policy to give the protection you need. 

If you are a car owner in the Flushing, MI area, you will need to make sure that you have proper auto insurance coverage at all times. When you are looking for insurance protection here, you should call the team at Bachmann Insurance Agency. Picking an auto insurance policy is never easy, as there are many factors and options to consider. When you are shopping for a policy, Bachmann Insurance Agency will assess your personal situation to ensure you receive the coverage that you need.